What is a typical office job?

The typical office job:

You are one year out of college, where you received a degree in “information technology” degree. After four years of study, you’re not entirely sure what it is you actually learned. But, you have a degree to put on your resume now!

You finally get a job in some software firm called something utterly banal like “Carmichael Solutions”, which is itself a subsidiary wing to some broader global conglomerate. Your daily workload is explained to you through a series of rushed hand-waving, and now in addition to not understanding what you supposedly learned in college, you also don’t know what you’re supposed to be doing at your job.

After a few weeks, you slowly acclimate and sort of gain some level of basic knowledge as to what it is you’re supposed to actually be getting done day to day. This knowledge is gained mostly through a lot of Googling, alongside with getting scattered half-helpful advice from a nearby coworker. You begin to become vividly aware that there was absolutely no need whatsoever for you, or anyone else, to have to go to college for this.

Two years pass and you are overtaken with a general malaise. You know what you’re doing at this point, but you still have no idea why it needs to be done at all. You feel guilty that you’re paid an 80k salary for doing roughly two hours of work per day, and from recognizing that your position could’ve been literally anyone else instead, including that one homeless guy outside who you sometimes give a dollar to.

The days keep coming. You are excited when new office chairs are ordered. You figure out ever more complex ways to hide the fact that you’re often doing nothing more than merely playing Tetris or responding to useless emails. You attend a lot of meetings that have no purpose, and could’ve just been done through email. Your mind starts to rebel against the utter mundanity, as you begin daydreaming about what it would be like if you were an email.

One morning you wake up as a cockroach. Yada yada.

/r/NoStupidQuestions Thread