What unexpected struggles did you go through in your twenties and how did you overcome them?

First of sorry for mobile format.

Well my father got diagnosed with bipolar2 and attempted suicide about two years back. I imediatly dropped my ongoing education to move up and live with him for about half a year (he lives far away in a verry verry rural area). He has been in and out of psychiatric care since then and I've been up there alot to talk to him as I'm the only one he'll open up to. We talk on the phone pretty mutch every day. Some days are alright but some are really rough for him, I just try to be there and hear him out and be a voice of reason as his girlfriend does not at all understand the diagnose. Alot of times when he tries to open up to her she makes him feel worse about it all by unintentionally guilttripping him.

I moved out with the love of my life to a tiny apartment (we preffer to call it cozy) and it's been great.

I became a father back in april. I'ts the most beautiful experience imaginable, whenever I'm away from home I just look forward to coming back home to play with the little guy.

I've finnally gotten back to school and am currently studying to be a computer engineer. I'll be done come december.

My above mentioned dad just called me two days ago and told me his girlfriend is pregnant and that I'll be having my first sibling in 8 months. Don't quite know how to feel abou that one since he is still unstable at best, and suicidal at worst.

Oh and I'm 21.. Wonder what the remaining 9 years of the big twentees will hold.

/r/AskWomen Thread