What unites India?

We are brown Yugoslavia ! It is just a matter of time. People of India are getting more and more intolerant over anything different from their own. Especially Religion !

In this day and age, the people of India are being divided by religion, hugely supported by the government ! * facepalm so hard*

The South is divided (Tamil Nadu acts as though they created the world, Kerala pulls another directions, Karnataka is another power struggle and The telugu state broke into two already) . The North is divided through religion, caste, sub caste and etc etc.

North East is a place we take for granted, both by the people and the government.

I dont believe in India sticking together !


A real leader arise and shows us the potential of what an United India can achieve ! We are hardworking and passionate people !

When was the last time the entire population were proud of the actions of the government?!

Its insulting to us, we only see short term gains !

There is just so much to say. Like one thing is that The government jobs are looked as a job you can get easy money with no work. Then no wonder private corporations would lord our asses.

Anyways, this Rant started as how India is not unified to failures of the government in the grassroot level.

I am just disappointed. The things we could achieve if only we put our ego aside and have compassion instead.

/r/india Thread