What unpopular opinion would you risk, or even sacrifice comment karma to state?

I've had a few of these this past week:

"War on Christianity."

If you seriously believe this is a thing then you are a moron and dead to me.


I'm going to settle this shit now. No, not even in the Middle East does this apply. Why? Because ISIS and Co. aren't killing people for being Christian; they are killing them for not being ISIS' version of a good Sunni Muslim. My pantheist ass would be just as dead as a Christian or Shiite in ISIS hands.

Feminism is necessary in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. It is worthless and needs to die in the West.

You can keep arguing all you want. I've probably put a lot more thought into this opinion than you assume. You aren't going to change my mind. And bitching at me about how I must be a misogynist is only going to make me think you're an imbecile.

You want a full explanation?

Look at what Third Wave Feminism has done to males in America.

Women have more protections than men here.

Is consent to sex consent to reproduction? For a woman, no. For a man, yes.

If someone claims you raped them will it ruin your life regardless of actuality? For women, no. For men, yes.

If you are due to have a child can you opt out of the responsibility? For women, yes. For men, no.

If you have a divorce can you seek alimony and get paid money for no reason? For women, yes. For men, no.

If you have a divorce with children can you get custody despite making less and being irresponsible? For women, yes. For men, no.

Does your gender keep you out of prison for heinous crimes? For women, yes. For men, no.

Can you work at a daycare without people thinking you're a pedophile? For women, yes. For men, no.

Women DO NOT make less than men for equal work. Rape is not accepted in America as even the claim of it can ruin your life.

Increasing the rights or protections of one demographic does not make equality.

Same as taking rights or protections away from another does not make equality.

Programs like Affirmative Action assure that blacks get jobs, but actively takes jobs from other people.

Criminal courts like to make sure they press hard on sex crimes to protect women, but end up destroying a lot of innocent men's lives in the process.

Allowing women control over their bodies, like through abortion, gives them a right to control their reproduction, but other than abstinence men have no equal right. They can't "opt out" of the responsibilities unless someone else adopts their child. Why not? Because the legal system decided to protect women from being stuck as single mothers without support. So child support became a thing and for a man there is no way out of it.

Men work 98% of mining and construction jobs, or something like that. Why? Because women don't apply. Women have been encouraged their whole lives to go "break the glass ceiling" at corporate and become a CEO by working in the office and moving from job to job. Then they sacrifice time from their careers to do what? Well, a lot of women have children and leave work to raise them. A lot of women switch careers. They quit their jobs more often. This results in them making less money over their lifetime, and the solution is to pay them for the time they choose to take off? Most jobs don't offer men paternity leave. Why should a woman be able to take more than a month and half off and be paid for her decision? Not only by her job, but by her husband if they divorce. Alimony is supposedly meant for a man to pay a woman for the time she spent out of work doing whatever. My ex-wife chose to sit on her ass the entire time we were married, but if she had sued for alimony she would have gotten it. Why? To pay her for time she chose to not work.

And then look at what it has done to the social norms.

Egalitarianism seeks to mend these cracks in the system and protect all demographics equally.

Third Wave Feminism has directly adversely affected this country and continues to be extremely hostile to anyone that attempts to refute it.

There are countless other examples of that the new wave of this movement has done. I'm not going to waste time listing a bunch of them further.

Anyone that knows me knows I am probably the most equality loving person there is. Everyone is equally neutral until they prove me otherwise. I'm bisexual, I don't care what people's sexuality is. I have a black child, I don't give a shit what color you are. I don't give a shit if you have a vagina or a dick. I don't fucking care. Everyone is equally able to be called an asshole based on their actions, not the definition of a word. Stop clinging to a dictionary to save your sheltered idea of what feminism has become.

Equality is great. Destroying people and denying them equality is not how you achieve it.

Sanders wants a $15 minimum wage. That is fucking bullshit and will cause massive inflation. Anyone who thinks burger flippers in highschool deserve that kind of pay has never worked a real job or sustained themselves. Minimum wage is meant for unskilled, uneducated, inexperienced, untrained workers. Should there be a law about holding someone in that bracket for too long? Yeah, sure. But dishing out $30K a year to every Tom, Dick, and Harry that can deliver a pizza is insane.

He believes women make 78% of what men do. Over their lifetime, yes. For the same work and same amount of time: no. Its a load of crap that has been disproven dozens of times. Any attempt to "rectify the situation" will result in more loss of equality for men. Which in America is lacking. Society may be sexist against women, but the law is undoubtedly sexist against men.

He wants the government to pay for more college. The only reason college is so exensive compared to 40 years ago is that 40 years ago there weren't a shit ton of Federal programs sending hundreds of thousands of students to college. When there is free money and limited space, demand increases and prices rise. Along with that, part of the reason degrees are worthless is that everybody has one. "When everyone is super, no one will be." College wasn't always something you had to do to make a good living.

A single payer system is fine, but basing it on Medicare is a horrible idea. Medicare and Medicaid make up over 30% of the National Debt. Expanding those programs creates more debt. Fix and expand ACA into a single-payer system.

He wants to expand SS, Medicare, and Medicaid, which make up 60-70% of our National Debt. WHAAAAT?! How is that a good idea?!

Creating worker co-ops increases productivity. How does that make jobs? Productivity is making as much as possible with as little overhead as possible. That means less employees.

Reversing climate change. Cool bro. What's your plan to do this Mr. Sanders?

He wants to immediately invest $1 trillion into infrastructure. I've travelled over this entire country. Federal infrastructure is fine. Where its lacking is poor areas with little population, and overpopulated areas like Maryland where traffic would suffer too bad to repair roads. America hosts 4 of the top 10 busiest airports in the world. I assure you, Mr. Sanders, our airports are fine. Dumping money into schools doesn't solve the education problem. Finding a way to accurately evaluate teachers and structure curriculum in a better way solves the education problem. Bridges may be pretty damaged in America, but I find it hard to believe that $1T worth of bridges in this country are maintained on a Federal level. Let the States handle their responsibilities.

I personally think worker unions have mostly outlived their purpose, but Scott Walker's bullshit is making me reconsider that position. I'll let this one by with no debate.

Cutting economic ties in North America and with Asia aren't necessarily the right solution. The result just may be massive inflation since simple and cheap products will become exponentially more expensive if made here. This is a deeper issue than Mr. Sanders' platform seems to convey.

You may want a living wage, and I do think minimum wage should be higher, but $15/hr is unrealistic.

Reddit doesn't like me a lot.

/r/AskReddit Thread