what value does religion provide?

Read back your first comment, in you first sentence you wrote ‘my ego’ and in my first comment the ego in question refer to religious people therefore it shows that you’re religious people, in your case jewish. You didn’t respond because of consciousness, you respond because you’re offended.

Your then, wrote another sentence in bracket stating that you became religious when your an adult, this is to disapprove my points that religious people are shoving their beliefs to children. If you had children, wouldn’t your child be jewish too? Wouldn’t you make your child practice jewish religion? In this matter, the part that i was wrong is choosing the word ‘shove’ in my comment that is a bit harsh. Nevertheless it is true, in my case and in all the religious people cases. I’ve never met a single religious people who didn’t make their offsprings practice the same religion as they are. This is what i meant by shoving down one’s throat.

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