What Vayne Players Think will Happen and What Really Happens

Trynd V Gangplank.

First summoners. Trynd can go flash or ghost, then ignite (very rarely exhaust) or teleport. Shoud you go Teleport you should consider doing a camp.

If you decide to go to lane, go long sword and 3 pots. If you decide on camp then you tp to lane with a dorans blade and 5 potions - or 4 pots and 1 green ward.

Against Gangplank the best spell is ghost over flash because you really need speed to kill him all game since he builds triforce.

Trynd is very strong against all champions level 1. Get fury go whack them. Another method of trading is to auto attack and then spin back to your minions making sure that your E damage hits them. It is very strong level 1 and its a super good way to harass under the turret. Trynd beats GP level 1 and 2, but he has to be careful between 3 and 5, because GP's barrels can hurt and they provide zone control. Don't let him get barrels in the bushes so he can chain them together hitting you. At level 6 you can easily bait his ultimate by hitting him until he presses it and spinning out of it. Then kill him if he stays when he doesn't have it.

Game Review.

0:45: What are your runes - Your armor seems quite low - and since Trynd wants to kill GP early he cares about minion damage. It is only in a very small number of matchups that Trynd can get away with scaling armour runes.

1:55: Ok no camp. Dorans blade 1 potion is not a very good start if you go straight to lane. This is because Trynd wants to trade a lot early and he needs potions for it. This is why long sword 3 pots is the best start if you go to lane straight away. If you TP to lane with 4 potions, you are quite happy to trade them to get rid of GP's potions and should you ever go up against a 1 potion start from any laner, get in there and hit them to half health and spin out. You use your pot and so do they, and they have no more sustain. Pots are your tool to take even unfavourable trades should you have potion advantage. In your case you are heavily disadvantaged now against GP who can trade a few times with you and then you are low health and he sustains up and forces you out of lane.

Also very important. Always start E. E is one of your trading tools level 1. I am going to tell you a number of times I would have spun in or walked up to him and spun out. Q first can lose you the lane in a whole bunch of matchups.

2:05: Optimal time for an auto attack E trade. You won't be disturbing any minions if you just walk up to him and hit him and E back through him.

2:10: Not building any fury. Trynd wins lane by getting fury. Just hit the melee minions once each so you are doing no more than building a slight minion damage advantage. This helps you get to level 2 first.

2:26: Now you have 70 fury. Hit him. Trynd needs to be whacking people to win lane. Especially level 1 with 70 fury. Good. you hit him and got a crit. If you had started with spin you could have hit him one more time and E'ed out around 2:30.

2:30: Low health minion beside you. If he comes whack him again, if he uses parley then you won't be getting poked with it. Force him to use parrley to kill minion.

2:32: If I had ghost here and leveled spin. I would have just kept hitting him. He is at 343 health. Spin does around 85 to him a crit did 120 odd - with the correct skills you could either have killed him or minimum got his flash. You have 90 Fury, you are so dangerous right now to GP.

2:39: 100 fury time to go ham and burn his flash after killing the minion. This will give you level 2, if you had spin you could kill minion with spin and hit gp with the spin damage too. Once again lack of spin is not giving you the tools to kill him.

2:40: Level 2 - spin on him now immediately - don't hesitate. Make sure spin damage hits him.

2:49: Don't push the wave unless you push him completely into turret. Also I be spinning on this guy especially because I see their jungler dead. Because you know that lee just killed their jungler - you can ward your bush at 3:15.

2:54: Hit GP and spin through him and minion. You have 100 fury. Go ham.

3:01: Use fury to heal. If you had three pots I prefer to see you keep your fury. Fury is how you win lane. Tryndamere is all about winning lane through getting fury and killing his opponent.

3:30: I don't know why GP let you build fury back to full. You need to push wave to turret because now you cannot spin on him and kill him because he is far too close to turret. Reset wave by auto attacking. Also once you push wave to turret look for auto attack + E out trades on GP when he goes for minions. Time your Auto attack for when the turret shot is hitting a minion so you get out for scot free. If GP autos you he will also take creep aggro.

3:55: Very Late ward. Also don't stay in bush. Auto attack E harass GP under turret.

4:33: Lane almost reset. Use Fury to hit him as much as you can, spinning out when you feel like xD

4:50: Don't let fury decay. Just hit him and spin away if you have to.

5:05: Never trade with someone unless it is the auto E trade when they have a cannon + quite a number of creeps. When they have cannon as a general rule look to kill it before trading or harassing. Damage is high.

5:37: Now you need to have used that potion which you still have because you been pressing Q instead of using your fury to kill GP.

5:50: POTION!

6:00: PLAN TO GET 6 FIRST! Then kill him with fury.

6:30: GP no mana don't let him back. PUSH WAVE. See Yasuo coming. PUSH WAVE to turret and dive him with Yasuo and Lee before he backs. This should be a dead Yasuo.

6:58: Now you are breaking the wave's position when You could just have backed and bought cutlass and used TP to come back to lane.

7:08: GP isn't even going to use TP because he sees you pushing the wave. By the time he gets there you will have pushed it to turrer for him.

7:26: What are you doing? Just back. Deep ward not worth at this point. You need to grab your cutlass. If rengo top side and GP uses ult when you are backing GP and Lb can cut you off and kill you. You are not a super threat with just a dorans blade.

7:56: Buy is fine - could have considered a pink as well.

8:06: So I wouldn't have TP'ed there yet. You don't see corki there and Trist has an escape. No way that Rengo does anything except scratch his cat tits. Also picking a fight there is bad because of Yasuo position and Lee too. They are not nearby. How the fuck is Lee level 4 at 8 mins.

8:22 Look what you are losing. Huge wave on turet. You have to get dragon now. Also look at the fight you are starting. Corki has sheen while Trist has nothing.

9:07: So fight went in your favour but that was due to Le blanc not getting into the fight once lee went down. Also LOL at river shenanigans.

9:25: You want to freeze here. Deny GP some minions because no way you can get his turret just yet. You lose a big wave when he took your turret. So just freeze it here and if he comes let Lee come and help you kill him.

9:51: LOL supports finishing a free kill for Trist.

10:26: Take the little ones at least and spin over the wall if they make it before you get the blue. Deny all that you can.

13:31: Go get Bork and boots.

13:53: You can kill rengo with Yasuo if you dive him. Yasuo gets killed because you choose not to take tower aggro. You have ult and flash. Kill him.

14:19: Go buy. Why sit on this gold when there is nothing to do. Drake is up in 90 odd secs. You can even see that nice juicy wave top pushing to you. If you back it will be around where your krugs are when you get back to lane with Bork boots and maybe even an avarice blade to build into ghostblade. Pushing mid out gives Yasuo nothing to do.

14:55 Now you have no TP for dragon and a nice juicy wave top. Also Lee could have saved turret by himself.

15:10: Big Juicy wave coming and you just used your TP. Grouping for Drake probably is your best move but its going to cost you now. Sell Ward so you can get Avarice blade as well as Bork and boots1.

16:12: I think you lose fight for three reasons. 1 is comp - they have a great zone control from GP ult and strong engage from Rengo and Lb to more or less one shot someone, and Lulu can ult a low target in this case Rengo so you can't kill him. 2. Yasuo is low at the start of the fight and your team are also tanking the dragon damage - which isn't as important - But in ranked 5s I would have been saying leave drake let it reset. 3. Corki has hit a power spike and he does AOE damage from Q and R.

17:42: Tell Lee Trist and Morg to go mid. And Yasuo to go bot. They can't deal with the 1 3 1. This is the time when pro teams be rotating midlaners like Zed and Diana bot because they want the adc mid.

Unfortunately the pause stopped working here so I couldn't pause and then type here. I might watch the rest later. Besides I have wrote almost 2000 words.

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