What was the very first thing you have found/browsed in the Internet that shocked you immensely?

Okay this is probably either one of the stupidest decisions of my life or it may just be the only redeeming thing I have ever done. So you all know about "Silk Road" (the defunct online drug market that was shut down in oct13). The man sentenced to life for running it (Ross Ulbricht), is not the only guy who ran it. I dont think he was too involved at all. I have since moved and the person I am about to talk about has gone ghost as well so here it goes: I spent a few months dating this guy (considerably older) who was probably running the website for 80% of the time. He was always online logged in and many times in-front of me not only used the Dread Pirate Roberts account, but also chatted with who I now believe was the Ulbricht boy. My former SO often joked that this "kid" was essentially his robot and worshipped him. I know he had probably over 2,500 bitcoins at one point. I saw other things that he is stupid for flaunting, such as his conversations that he would decrypt and save to USB drives as "insurance" (his words) of him discussing things with police. Either he was an informant or he had them working for him. I think both. I know for a period of about 8 or 9 months that Ulbricht had not logged into the site portal because my ex-SO became paranoid that the guy might have been arrested or killed or turned informant. he pops back up and they start chatting like old buddies, supposedly he was hanging out with family and having personal problems. I dont know the specifics and have never told a soul. When they arrested this boy, my ex took off. Said he was going to visit his parents and lay low for a bit, and asked for about $3.50 for bus fare. Well it was about this time I noticed that my Ex was about 8 stories tall and was a crustacean from the paleolithic era! I yelled, "I ain't giving you no treefiddy you goddam Loch Ness monster! Get your own goddam money!"

tl;dr The Dread Pirate Roberts is really the Loch Ness Monster

/r/AskReddit Thread