What websites do you use to find information on drugs? Trying to google it always results in a bunch of drugabuse.gov results and rehab helplines, which are obviously biased and never offer objective descriptive information.

PsychonautWiki - is a website for those who are doing drugs. While Wikipedia is mainly about the scientific drug part. They usually post info such as history, where they were applied in medicine, and how they are produced. Also, you can find some information about different drug cartels and stuff like this. I’m sorry, but it is a little bit unclear why you need this info from your post.
Besides, excellent rehab centers never provide unverified info. All the sources are usually trusted, or they use some of their own collected data. Again, they update their information regularly. For instance, always post some helpful info about drugs, medicine, and stuff like that. I check it from time to time when I have doubts about the medical treatment I’m prescribed. Besides, any functional medicine centers try to provide accurate info since their purpose is to inform the population and help the medical crisis.

/r/Drugs Thread