What was the weirdest date you’ve ever been on?

Agree with every nazi policy?

Hmmm.... let me think:

  • Do I want all Jews exterminated? NO

  • I'm I irredentist? NO. I don't think the USA needs more territory

  • Do I think the Slavic white people are sub-Human and that they should be cleansed/expelled from their lands to make room for German resettlement? NO

  • Do I believe that people should be pushed into breeding programs like the Lefts want white people to be pushed into interracial relationships? NO

So I guess I am not a nazi. Simply being proud of my white heritage and not wanting my people to go extinct does not make me a nazi. If you think it does then you might as well call the Native Americans and the Zulus and every non-white ethnic groups who have fought to retain their identity "nazis'

Grow up boy and at least read the wikipedia article on the nazis. It is a decent starting point. You are embarrassing yourself using that world while not having a clue what it means.

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