What was the weirdest respond when people learned that you were an atheist?

My religious family thought I was mentally ill. Friends from the religion thought that I was being influenced by demons (I was 12 when I became atheist). Thats when I stopped telling anyone. For a group who claimed to be persecuted and wrongly judged, they really like to persecute and judge. I decided no one needs to know. I keep religion out of everything. If it is brought up, I don't go along with what is said, but I don't give my opinions. I don't need to discuss if imaginary brings are real. Its a waste of time. My family and closest friends know. My friends don't care. My family thinks that I will come back to the church. They don't want to discuss it, so I let them think what they want without having any facts--they are used to living like that anyway.

/r/atheism Thread