What was the weirdest rule you had to follow in school?

I hate this shit. I almost became a teacher - almost.

While student teaching, I hated that they made us keep the kids from getting water. Yes, SOME of the kids would make excuses to 'get a drink of water' when they were just bored, and other kids would follow suit and it totally derails the lesson.

I get it, THOSE kids are the reason why the administration makes the teachers have a policy to not let kids have water, but I hated the circumstances. Coming in from P.E. class? Too fucking bad, you "should have gotten water beforehand!"

There was literally no time between the PE teacher reigning in the kids and lining them up, and the other teachers picking them up, making them line up to take them back to class.
When the fuck did the kids have time to get water? Never, unless they somehow teleported over where the water fountains are for 2 seconds before teleporting back to the line.

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