"What were the Devs thinking?" moments.

The boss fight Micolash: Host of Nightmares in Bloodborne.

Essentially, you have to fight a summoner guy in a large mansion with sprawling hallways in a maze like environment. The first phase of the boss fight involves Micolash hiding in a random room in the huge mansion, and when you finally find him, he just sprints away from you. This turns into a wild goose chase and eventually he'll jump through a fucking teleporting mirror thing and end up in another new area, forcing you to find him and chase him all over again. This can last for around 6 minutes all while you're dealing essentially no damage to him since you can't catch up to him. And while you're avoiding his summons.

When you finally get into an area where you and him have to fight, his move set is terrible. Up close, he has no weapon so he'll just try to punch you or cast an incredibly easy to dodge spell.

But at a distance he casts a massive AOE spell that has next to no windup and can very easily kill most players in one hit. So if you try playing defensively you get immediately stomped and forced to redo the entire chase sequence.

To add to it, he monologues constantly throughout the fight. So while you're sprinting after him you're also spamming X to skip through his ridiculous amount of dialogue that he doesn't stop saying.

/r/Games Thread