What to do when it's not them, it's you?

I hear you about half truths, but there's a grey area where you might hook up with someone above or below your level depending on circumstances (texting frequency is probably a poor example, but other factors may be of more significance). I'm sure you've done it as a guy -- settling or overachieving -- and women do the same. Ultimately physical attraction counts for so much, and I've seen the results first hand just from improvements I've made in my appearance (not even talking about financial/career advancement). It sounds superficial, but I'm absolutely certain if I lost ten pounds and got shredded I'd do better with online dating. Sometimes we make these things more complicated than they really are. The other consideration though is that the more you improve yourself, the smaller your equivalent dating pool becomes. If you're in the top 20%, you're probably only going to be satisfied dating someone at that same level. If you are very average (and recognize yourself as so), then finding a relationship that makes you happy is likely easier simply because of availability.

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