What do you think of Wicca?

I would classify Wiccan practices into 2 categories based on things which are forbidden in my religion Islam :

1) Basic Pagan practices and rituals . Which may or may not include worshiping some deity other than God . In this case I don’t really care about it .

2) Real witchcraft as in worshiping Jinns/Spirits/Demons (call them whatever you want) in exchange for some services such as splitting a couple , making people see things which aren’t real , causing illnesses or even death , prevention of successful pregnancy ... Here however my opinion of it is quite negative .

Notes :

1) I’m not saying that witchcraft is specific to Wicca just that It’s closer to it than other religions .

2) Witchcraft/Magic is believed to be real in Islam (like the story of the magicians of Pharaoh) and it takes a person out of Islam because it requires to worship other than God , and is considered evil and without any benefits unlike some other forbidden things such as alcohol .

/r/religion Thread