Say what you will about Darcey but she is pro-woman

So, we should just believe you because you feel you're right?

I understand where you're coming from and yeah, what Jesse did hoarding the face masks was horrible, but that doesn't mean he automatically lies about everything. He was right about Darcy having a drinking problem, he handled the family dinner far better than Darcy did. I'm just saying it's a really bad mentality to have. "Well, he lied about this, so he must be lying about everything else." I mean, Darcy lied too. She literally catfished him when first meeting. Does everyone forget that? And regardless, she threw a shoe. She even admits it. People shouldn't throw stuff period.

I guess my point is that I don't understand how Jesse and Tom get dragged through the mud on this subreddit but Darcy seems tot get a pas for everything. Even things I've brought up that she did in the past just gets downvoted. I understand she needs therapy and help, but that doesn't negate all the negative things she has done that people don't seem to want to address.

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