What will be different in 20 years?

US violent crime rates have dropped steadily since we got rid of lead everywhere and legalized abortion.

The lead theory was invented to counter the Roe Effect theory. It's had a spotty appearance over the last few years, mostly as "odd news" or "true facts" content -- not academic discussion or consideration.

IMMEDIATELY after the leak occurred, the lead theory kept appearing over and over sometimes completely out of context, and almost always by progressives.

The real truth is that less than 1% of abortions have a health, rape, incest, or birth defect motivation. The remaining 99% are elective choices to simply end pregnancy. The vast majority of these abortions happen to fall amongst given demographic groupings with the highest burden of public assistance. A further benefit of self-selection is that those in the groupings who choose to abort, often 3,4, or 5 times? These would be the worst parents anyway.

The underclass can save progressives time, money, and effort by culling itself.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent