What Will It Take For MMAT To Turn Around

Okay, quick before I leave myself open to nonsense replies about the land. Orogrand was not worthless, but it was a failure as no reserves were proven. Also, most the land torch has/had isn’t typically the land with oil.

Not sure what kind of stuff you came across, I found good and bad dd. But most the bad dd was from legit sources and most the good was from individuals on Reddit/YouTube/so on.

I’m not saying it won’t be anything. I’m saying stop already. What’s the point of speculation??? Oh, hmm, maybe for those who have held this bag, bought the top, maybe you’ll feel a little better holding, while it gets killed, hoping for a bag from the side.

And no one can do anything with torchlight shares right now? Do I have any? Dude what? No one has torch at all anymore. It’s all converted to either a placeholder or mmat shares. Next time, do your homework on the person before you pop off thinking you’re gonna sound like an expert.

/r/TRCH Thread Parent