What will future generations of progressives want that will make Millennials and Gen Z's the conservatives?

Probably something to do with technology that has not been developed yet. I think that future generations will give way less fucks about privacy. It will be normal to them how companies and governments have access to so much information on them (I mean it is already a pretty acceptable thing for many of my peers). And unless there is a huge crisis due to this issue, I think that soon enough, it will be considered "old fashioned" to have so much grievances on this issue. I have no actual stats on this though so I may very well be wrong.

Immigration will always be a hot button issue (especially in America). I think that is something that will not change. Drugs and wars too. A lot of things will probably not change. The world is rapidly changing but humans themselves, take a long time to come around. We are still arguing about many of the same things that our ancestors argued about, and maybe we will never end arguing about those issues.

Honestly, I'm kind of looking forward to seeing how the world rolls out. It's exciting. I can't wait to be an old fart stuck in my old ways lol.

/r/AskReddit Thread