What will our grandchildren lecture us about being bad for our health that we currently have no idea about?

Does the US need tighter restrictions and better background checks? I think yes.

Note: I'm not pro-gun. I think we absolutely need better gun control, but this is just a poor argument.

This is still a weak argument. You are not using solid logical reasoning to support your stance. It seems as if you are trying to make this into a moral argument, but we are in agreement: shootings, homicides, and all avoidable deaths are bad.

To your point, guns can provide a means by which to commit atrocious violent acts. I agree, and I've repeatedly stated that need to better regulate who can own guns.

However without any further reasoning, your argument is destined to devolve into the sole reliance on a false implication that I am, presumably, morally indifferent to the deaths caused by gun violence. (This is false, but even if it were true, your argument is still weak)

If all deaths/homicides are equally atrocious, then all activities that can result in avoidable death should be outlawed, not only guns. #(This is where your argument breaks.)

According to this logic, vehicles cause vastly more avoidable deaths per year than guns, and vehicles also have the potential to be used for mass homicides. Therefore vehicles are deadly and must be outlawed. Further, if all deaths/homicides are equally atrocious, then any activity/object/tool that can be used to kill should be outlawed, including guns, vehicles, knives, etc.

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