What will Trump change in the fight against IS?

That's the problem. You can't beat ISIS on a map. It doesn't work that way. It's an ideological fight more than a military fight. Trump has people who understand this. Unlike Obama and the neoconservatives who want to use ISIS and other jihadists as an excuse to engage in wars / provide cover to overthrow undesired governments without direct involvement.

I think you'll see Trump's administration do something creative like set up safe havens for women and children in and around ISIS control regions. Those regions will give women the rights they deserve, and isolate men from their women to the point where they become less interested in a jihadist conquest. Also, another idea is to start infiltrating and poisoning their drug supply. ISIS has a massive drug operation and that's part of what keeps people involved.

These are the types of things you'll see from Trump. The difference between Trump versus Bush, Obama, Clinton, Romney, McCain, Lindsey Graham, etc -- is that Trump actually doesn't want ISIS to exist. All of the other people I mentioned needed ISIS. ISIS was a part of their plan to force Assad's step down. Not anymore.

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