What do with a class that WONT STOP TALKING

Lemme add, I’m not saying you’re doing anything wrong. And I have similar problems too. Honestly, all the BS of teaching us so draining that I have zero energy or positivity to do cutesy, relationship-building crap. Also keep in mind that for the past few years these kids have been in school at home or in front of a computer or with broken school years. Regardless, they need to know you don’t play. End of story. I’m ready for downvotes, but be a bitch, call parents, send kids out, but do it calmly. If they see you lose your cool, it’s over. Be ROBOTIC. And VERY CLEAR about expectations. I have a three stroke system and admin that does zilch so they kids know what they get “warnings” for. On the third warning they reflect with a writing assignment in another room but not before calling home I’m the middle of class and telling their caregiver what just happened.

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