What is it with people comparing scripters to the muzzle brake?

1600hrs and I'll admit I play a lot of modded, so I have an AK pretty often. AK+Laser is still the better choice from range unless you're ok with spraying an entire clip to get 3 hits. For range, tap fire > spray
Up close the muzzle break is pretty fucking nuts, you don't even need to ADS really. But if you know how AK recoil works you can comfortably do the same thing up close w/ a laser.
Everyone is going nuts about the horizontal recoil and I agree it's dumb but just blindly removing it from laser or adding it into the muzzle break for 'fairness' isn't a good answer. That just kills the whole point of having an attachment.
IRL horizontal recoil really only goes to one side (whichever side you shoot from) plus up, and you can add a compensator (aka MUZZLE BREAK) to help offset the recoil. Some compensators work so well in fact, that you can full auto fire a rifle with one hand and the recoil will actually climb DOWN..
We can all agree that IRL facts don't always lead to fair and fun gameplay, instead I'm just trying to point out that this item is literally doing what it's supposed to do. There's actually modern day rifles that would be unshootable without a muzzle break.
To fix it I suggest starting by adding some of it's IRL downsides:
Muzzle flash should be bigger and go out the sides blocking some FOV while shooting + making the shooter easier to spot
The gun should be louder for the shooter with a break attached and our hearing should get fucked for a few seconds (ears ringing) after spraying because you're no longer throwing all that sound/pressure straight ahead.
Muzzle break + auto fire + scope = broken scope, it's a fact. Iron sights only.

/r/playrust Thread