What is it with pregnant people thinking they can do whatever they want and that the world owes them everything?

Yes, other people's drama definitely can be entertaining, for the same reason reality TV is entertaining.

A lot of Redditors seem to pride themselves on being better and more intelligent than people who use Facebook, especially Frances Haugen's testimony. But if you're curating your Reddit feed around outrage bait, you're giving yourself the same experience--and this time it isn't an algorithm's fault, you're consciously doing it to yourself.

More than any other social media site, Reddit is what you make of it--which is why it's less profitable than social media sites where users have less agency in what they see--but I think we have a responsibility to ourselves and our communities to curate our homepages thoughtfully, or we might unintentionally end up poisoning our own brains against some of the more vulnerable members of society.

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