What is the worst season of a good show?

Since i've seen nobody say it yet.

Code Geass third season.

Absolute dog shit. First they introduce a character so interesting that il forgot his name. The 3D fight scenes thing look fucking garbage. Lelouch became some sort of mentaly ill degenerate That serves no purpose to the plot. The fight OST is horrible, wth is happening whith those trumpets.

Suzaku is useless too.

No talking about those Saint Seya rip-off looking ass mechas.

This third season is misery and should have existed to begin whith. The 2 first where great and the ending was pretty good. But stupid fans where like "LeLOuch C'AnT BE dAeD, hE is DrIvInG tHe caRriAge" and wanted sequel to it, thing that Sunrise did for the sake of money.

To sum it up: complete didgrace.

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