What is the worst text message you've ever sent to the wrong person?

One time some of my mates from university came down to visit me in my home town over summer break. One friend in the group, Grant, didn't make it. One night when we were drinking heavily I decided to call him to chew him out for not coming down. So I call and leave a profanity laced voicemail to Grant and am confidently walking back towards the party, until I realized the voicemail I had just left went to 'Grandma' as I drunkenly picked the contact directly above him. Realizing I fucked up I call back to leave an apology voicemail as my grandma is pretty cool and would understand. But as I am wasted it did not go well. I kept making it worse and worse and finally realized I needed to just hang up. Now I am more concerned about the 'apology' message than the original, but it is around 1:30-2am so there is nothing much I can do. My grandma lives about 20 minutes away from me so the next morning I forced my hung over ass out of bed at like 8 am and drive down to her house hoping she had not heard them yet. Fortunately when I arrive she was happy to see me and I explained what happened and got the messages deleted and proceeded to have a nice morning with my grandma!

/r/AskReddit Thread