What was the worst thing that you did/said while being angry?

Not me but my GF was super mad at me because I was “overwhelming her”. She didn’t tell me at all, no hints or anything.

She also told me she didn’t want to have sex again until she was married. She had an abortion and wasn’t comfortable having sex again.

Since I was overwhelming her. She thought it would be a good idea to text a guy friend and see if he could fuck her than evening because it pissed her off that much.

Here is the text exchange.

Her - Hey wyd.

Him - Nothing just chillin.

Her - BF is pissing me off and I want to get laid can I come over.

Him - Yeah come over.

Her - Cool I’ll go take a shower, get ready for you and come over. I’ll tell him I’m going to go see my girlfriend so he doesn’t bother us.

Him - wear something sexy.

Her - oooo. I have something nice I can wear (FYI I bought it for her and she never wore it for me)

Him - I want to be rough with your mouth. Is that ok. Like really really rough.

Her - haha ok just don’t paralyze me ok.

Him - I won’t and I want to spank you.

Her - won’t be the first time. What do I get in exchange.

Him - I’ll suck your clit the way you like.

Her - we got a winner!!! Lmao. Make sure you cum on my face though. I’ll clean it a little bit and then kiss (ME) when I get home. Teach him a lesson.

Him - of course.

/r/AskReddit Thread