What is the WORST way to break up with someone?

Thanks for all the kind words, internet friends.

Since I've been getting some PMs, I'll go in to some more detail about the aftermath, so if anyone out there who needs support in something like this, they'll know that there are others out there that can help.

In the days following the break up, I can say, without a doubt, I had lost my mind. When I slept, we were together still in my dreams. We were still going to movies, hanging out at her apartment, taking walks around the pond, talking about this and that... when I woke up is when the nightmare began. She was out of my life and with another guy, probably right then and there.

These questions ran through my head every single moment while I was awake: Were they talking about rings, like we used to? Baby names, like we used to? Who was this guy? Why was he so much better than me? How long was she seeing this guy without me knowing? Was there any signs I should have noticed? Was she seeing this guy while we were ring shopping? If I didn't ask her to marry me, when would she have told me about being pregnant?

For those of you going through break ups, I know. Everything, for awhile, will remind you of her/him. Driving past that place you guys did that thing that one time... Seeing that movie on Netflix that you guys watched that one time... That meal that you cooked just because it was her favorite. The slightest smells will bring back a flood of memories. It's SO hard to move on when everything reminds you of them.

I had to move across the country to finally start over... new friends, new job, new everything. Only then could I finally sleep and not dream of her. If you do not have the means to be able to move like I did, I would advise surrounding yourself with people that care for you, like your family. Go on vacation somewhere... even if it's just you and a friend camping. I've NEVER been fishing until the break up, and now I love it. The quickest way back from darkness is to find beauty in nature.

Please, PM me if anyone needs help. I'm here.

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