What was the worst way you've seen some one die? Did they kill them selves or were they killed by someone else?

I saw the last moments of this guy on a Harley who stupidly tried to brake-check a car he and his friends were chasing.

The car was in the outside lane (next the sidewalk) and the motorcyclist veered over too far after pulling ahead of them.

He hit the curb and went down in front of the car which ran him over and kept on going. The motorcyclists friends stopped to help him.

You've heard the term "meat-crayon"? Most of this guy's outside layers...clothes, skin, other tissue, blood left a trail smeared onto the asphalt.

He lay broken, screaming and struggling in the arms of the woman holding him. He kept on screaming for a good couple minutes but then grew quiet.

He started doing those death snores and was doing them as they loaded him into the ambulance. He didn't make it to the hospital.

One of his balls and a long "cord" attached was still on the asphalt after the ambulance left. Using my shoes and finally my HAND (ick), I got those pieces of him onto a piece of cardboard. I took them to the hospital and gave it to a nurse.

/r/AskReddit Thread