What would cause a close friend [27/F] to be mean to me [27/M] out of nowhere?

This right here is the correct answer. To put it in a less accusatory manner, you were in a relationship with this woman - an emotional relationship. Maybe neither of you realized this at the time, but there was an emotional relationship there (if not romantic).

There have been quite a few studies done to understand if men and women can be long term friends without turning into "When Harry Met Sally," and the short answer is --- it is challenging.

--> Women often becomes friends with men subconsciously to get emotional context/support that women aren't getting elsewhere.

--> Men often become friends women, and subconsciously, they often do this on the hope that the relationship might blossom into a romantic one. Again - often time subconsciously.

Now that your ex-relationship-friend has a new job, a new set of friends, and a fiancee, she doesn't need the emotional context/support from you anymore.

You feel hurt (understandably so - my heart goes out to you) because there was an emotional bond there. And, there's no culturally-approved framework like "breaking up with your opposite sex friend." You just have to grieve. Sorry.

But, anything you bring up to your ex-relationship-friend will be perceived as if you are trying to keep that "relationship" going. It feels all too uncomfortably close to her. She's moved on -- she doesn't need that relationship anymore.

Sorry you have to go through this. It sucks, and you won't ever forget this, even decades on, but you can compartmentalize your (good memories), stop contact, and move on. Moral of the story --- men and women can be friends with each other, but often times there is a mismatch in reasons (subconsciously) for the friendship.

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