what would you like to improve if you could?

-Self regulated emotions that are concealed rather than expressed

-strong internal values that are consistent but not forced on others due to a view that values are subjective to the individual

-Empathetic by relating to a similar event in my life rather than reactive to the environment. I tried to claim this was Si but someone pointed out this is very Fi

-Concern with personal identity with lesser concern of group identification

-Strong Introversion

-Focus on creativity and expressiveness

-Even though I don't show it ever I'm actually very thin-skinned but my avoidance of conflict overrides this

-stable relationships with a focus of high individuality

-Sense of right and wrong that doesn't necessarily match up with societal measures

-emotional coldness rather than warmness due to refusal to express extremes of emotions

-Harsh reaction to someone crossing one of my values, causing an ending of the friendship.

-Little concern for others to share the same values as view of subjective. Thus getting along with everyone and not pushing things on others. If I don't like someone I just won't engage with them in the first place.

-if you haven't noticed I don't just list my type but also a special unique descriptor which only Fi people seem to do. Need to be unique and self expressive.

I could be biased but does that sound more Fi than Fe? The assumption has been feeler I think and the difference between ESFJ and INFP is




I think when I try with my lists I can be sorta Te more than Ti at times but it isn't my natural state at all.

But the auxiliary and tertiary are reversed, showing a slightly different preference that I personally would agree with. In essence, INFP and ESFJ would be fairly similar in that they are lead feelers on the Si-Ne axis.

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