What would your suicide note be?

Hey there,

personally - and that is just me - if you deserve an apology, then don't you also deserve to live a life that is in itself a reward? If others hurt you and denied you an apology, why would you consider joining their side and hurting yourself as well? Wouldn't it be much grander to live and make them regret their choices?

As I plan to go when my parents have already left this earth, there are very few people who could feel pain upon my departure. The note will be an explanation and a plea for forgiveness (both for me and in case they should feel guilty, humans are irrational like that). I think that by explaining how long I have walked this ardous path until it was no longer feasable, the emotional fallout will be minimized.

The other part will be directions to a lawyer as to how to handle my belongings and who may inherit whatever there may be to inherit. Also directions to where I want to be buried (cremated, poor man's communal grave, no stone, no funeral).

There will also be a note to whoever is unfortunate enough to discover my body. Those are often traumatized (if unprepared) or at least affected (if professional) and I would not want to cause them any pain.

/r/SuicideWatch Thread