What is so wrong with being gay?

This is probably one of the best conversations I've read on Reddit. It's actually quite sad - looking in from a 3rd person perspective regardless of my bias and just judging purely on examples used and argument structuring.

and this is my verdict:

Donaldjkessler - is an idiot. I'm sorry, he needs to be educated. Someone should introduce this person to academia (or at least teach him 'googling' random HIV stats does not make him a Bio-Statistician). The whole time i'm reading - i'm like, where the F is this fool getting his evidence from, personal observational study, fox news, christianmonitor? The lack of Due Diligence on researched information kills me. I investigated his past posts - and they're just so.... stupid.

This guy just sits around all day and comments on Gay's and Minorities. Like they're ruining america.

To be honest - He's ruining America. What has he done to contribute other than hate? He wouldn't last 1 month in my city (SF), not because there are 'gays everywhere' but he's a moron who wouldn't be skilled enough to be employed.

How about - be concerned with something that will actually make an impact in your life. Divert your energy into a skill... maybe programming or save money and go back to school.


Random dude who ended up on this page by clicking the random button.

/r/AntiGays Thread Parent