What is wrong with this company ! Status bugg & riven disposition dont make them if we cant use them clowns !

I don't really care , just having a opinion clearly you & these kids can't have it so hilarious close your community if people cant speak the Truth or speaking whatever they wanna talk about. So hilarious I have 999+ accounts so you really need to do your best just saying ! Lol now remove your self kid nobody ask you to read or to respond to my comment its called having respect for others the things you and your community dont really know about . the golden rule is anybody has their own opinion & clearly kids on reddit report just opinions from other lol in real life you all would be dead instantly , I understand why the government is taking all your money & freedom !/ so hilarious go & cry with your mother & leave people like me alone you aren't really needed so hilarious !

/r/Warframe Thread Parent