What is wrong with me?

First, thank you for reading and replying. Also thank you for sharing your story. It's not a burden to me at all. You deserve to be heard too.

Sometimes it's nice to see others relate to our shitty lives, even if it is under terrible circumstances.

I'm sorry for what you went through. I've never experienced a lot of what you have but I empathize with your feelings of disparity and hollowness.

I apologize if my words aren't helpful, but I want you to know I'm listening.

Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if I was born at a different time or in a different family. Maybe my parents would treat me better. Maybe I'd have more friends. It's all a speculation, "what if" this and "what if" that.

Unfortunately I don't have a lot of hope in people anymore. Even the kind ones. Like you said, people just can't relate.

I wish they tried harder sometimes. At least the ones who are supposed to love me, like my family. That's all I want. To be loved. To feel accepted.

Maybe they do truly love me but have horrible ways of showing it. I don't even know anymore. I'm rambling again, sorry.

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