what do y'all do for work?

I've been in software dev with ADD for 20 yrs. I have no college education. I got an office job and

Agree double edged sword. When I need to focus I hyper focus it's insane I have super powers but I can't get up to eat or bathroom. I look up and a day passed in what felt like an hour and my butt is numb. Cool to bang out a project, not cool to your health. Then some days I cannot sink my teeth in. I'm so scattered I have to take the day off or take medication. I don't take meds daily because I don't tolerate it well. I could work whatever time of day, at home or in office. I prefer meetings and collaboration in office instead of online because I think faster that way. I hate repetition and rarely have to encounter it. I go to a tropical paradise for a month in winter and work out of there. Morning sunrise on beach with coffee to start my day. Snorkel in day, work at night. Its the kind of intense high stress job that works with my ADD and the tricks I learned most of the time but sometimes I get really unhealthy from the intensity and have to change my focus.

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