What is your "accidently caught your spouse" cheating horror story?

Not me but my Mum.

Years ago she was dating a guy called Alan. Alan was an abusive dick. They worked together at a pub and they were engaged and had been a few years. One day my Aunt is at a party and this woman starts talking smack about her boyfriends fiance and how he will be leaving her soon to be with her, he doesn't really love her, blah blah. My Aunt realises it's Alan she's talking about so goes straight to my Mum to tell her. My Mum packed his bags with a bottle of bleach for good cheer, dropped them off at the other woman's house and told her "I don't want him, he's yours" to which she actually had the nerve to say "but I don't want to have him??"

Alan eventually moves in with the other woman and they are official. They booked a couples honeymoon trip to Spain together. My Mum being the fiesty pants she is didn't stop there. After playing a little with Alan's emotions as he wanted her back, she phoned the woman and explained he was now cheating on her (he wasn't but hey, what goes around). She went abroad with her sister and they broke up. Mum never went back to Alan. Alan sucks. The end.

/r/AskReddit Thread