What is your best "that was a close call" story?

Definitely a few, but climbing out the front window of a 4Runner going 60mph on the freeway, up onto the roof, then back in through the back-hatch window - twice - was extremely stupid. That was before 4-Loco was banned.

Letting my friend's brother place his loaded machine guns in the back of my 4Runner while parked at a busy gas station, then driving away completely loaded on malt liquor expecting him to be in the truck with me to do the explaining if we got pulled over. He didn't. He hopped in another car and drove off. I was stuck driving drunk with a bunch of serious guns and no proof of their ownership. That night got weirder. Long story short: I got lucky again.

Skydiving hungover with the discount coupon you won at the bar the night before: bad idea.

Getting out of the safari truck to get a better look at the lion: bad idea. The lion ran at me. I climbed onto the truck top. Thought I was gonna get eaten.

Fuck, there are more. I race sailboats in winter storms, all kinds of sailing stories. But this list is enough for now.

/r/AskReddit Thread