What was your best memory from high school?

i was a senior and my little sister was a sophmore in an elite catholic all-girls boarding school run by nuns when she got stuck in a creative writing class, a science type person, my sister wasn't too happy about it.

so, down to the deadline for submitting her creative writing project for the semester, she simply typed out all the lyrics to led zeppelin's stairway to heaven and turned it into the 60-something nun who was teaching the class.

come the weekly assembly, this nun rises on the dais and solemnly with evident great import, begins reading my sister's poem. and every single student in theschool pasted this blank expression of rapt attention, without giggling or laughing or smiling or fidgeting in any way - a tribute to my sister's great popularity for her feats of derring do. it was awesome.

my sister had typed the final line 'and she's climbing a stairway to heaven' at an angle, as if the words were descending just like they were sung, one word per line, like a stair. the nun went on about how my sister had linked the form of the actual poem to the spiritual content. and then awarded her some literature pin to wear on her blazer. not one peep from the student body.

when the assembly ended, we all rushed outside and just burst into hysterics.

it was so great.

/r/AskReddit Thread