What is your best "My friend is dating a terrible person and nobody can get through to them." story?

My wife's best friend used to tell her, repeatedly, that she was married to a horrible person and that she needed to wake up to that fact. It took her many years, but she finally convinced her, and that ultimately led to our divorce.

Fast forward about a year after the divorce and her best friend--married at the time--came on to my ex-wife and told her they needed to run away together and leave all these ass hole men in the dust.

That's when it hit my ex-wife that she had been talked into believing she was married to a horrible person--not because I was actually horrible, I was just in the way. My ex wasn't interested and her friendship quickly fell apart.

My ex-wife's best friend ended up divorcing her husband and breaking up their family (I didn't have kids with my ex)--but not because she came out and began dating women--she apparently had another man on the side and ran away with him.

My ex tried to rekindle things with me, but I wasn't having any of that. I spend over 15 years dedicating my life to her and she threw it away on the advice of a cunt. That bad judgment was pretty unattractive.

/r/AskReddit Thread