What is your best "My friend is dating a terrible person and nobody can get through to them." story?

It was my friends first boyfriend she first started dating around 22. She lost her virginity to him and they moved in together after about almost a year. He was a super nice guy at first but after a few months she told me she found him talking to different girls multiple times on different social media platforms, even tinder. Every time she’d catch him he’d get defensive and eventually after hours of arguing, finally apologize. For this reason she forgave him every time she caught him.

After a year or so she found out she was diagnosed with herpes and said that he didn’t even know he had it and that he felt horrible, and so they got through it together. She staid. A few months after that she found him talking to girls again and caught him even hanging with a few behind her back. He claimed nothing ever happened and same thing, swore he never would hurt her again.

He had a tough childhood and never went to therapy and because of this he has some anger issues and doesn’t know how to handle them at all. He’s mean to her sometimes and takes his anger out on her, never physically but verbally.

I begged her to love herself more and told her that just because they were good friends at one point, and he was her first, didn’t mean she’d have to stay. They’ve been dating for 3 years now and it’s been rocky. Sure there have been good times but she tells me she’s depressed and now is having a hard time to find him sexually attractive which is obviously causing a problem in the relationship because he has a high libido.

Apparently he’s been doing way better in the past few months and has shown improvement but I know it’s just a matter of time.

I know because my friend is me.

/r/AskReddit Thread