What was your best 'this is too good to be true' moment but went along with it anyway? What happened?

When I was in college, I once had to take a six-hour bus ride back home to my parents house for Thanksgiving break.

I arrived at the bus station a little too early (it was a night bus, I think around 8 or 9 PM but I'm not 100% sure), and the station doors were locked (it had weird hours of operation and was going to open up a few minutes before my bus was due to arrive).

Since it was freezing cold outside and I had nothing else to do but wait and shiver, I struck up a conversation with the only other person there: a woman who happened to be waiting for the same bus that I was. For the purposes of this story, I'll call her Kaitlyn.

Over the course of the six hours we were on that bus, we went from being total strangers to sharing our life stories, and eventually to kissing in total darkness as the scenery passed us by.

We had a brief snowball fight in a tiny town that the bus made a 10 minute stop in, and she laughed when I slipped and fell on my ass trying to chase her around the bus.

When we finally arrived in my city, I gave her my number and we parted ways. She continued on the bus down to her hometown and my Mom drove me back to my house.

I didn't pay any attention to anything or any of my family members for the rest of that night because all I wanted in the whole world at that moment was to be back on that bus with Kaitlyn.

Over Thanksgiving break, she texted me and we had a couple of amazing conversations. We agreed to meet up when we both returned to the town in which I was going to college.

We met up on the weekend after Thanksgiving break ended and had sex on the first night and the following morning. It was the single most romantic experience of my entire life.

Then I ruined it, because I was a pretentious, sheltered, over-privileged douchebag who couldn't appreciate the wonderful experience I was having with this amazing human being that I met entirely by chance.

I said some stupid and ignorant things that ended up making her go home crying her eyes out on the second night. We texted the next morning and I apologized for my hurtful words, but the wound was too deep to heal. I haven't seen or spoken to her since then.

It was the only time in my life when I've truly felt that what I was experiencing was "too good to be true" and I ruined it. I hurt the wonderful person who had given me that amazing experience, and I regret my shitty behavior to this day.

I wish I could turn back time and punch myself in the face because I unquestionably deserved it. Kaitlyn deserved someone better than me to have had that experience with.

/r/AskReddit Thread