What is your "I better get the fuck out of here now, because some shit is about to go down" story?

For what it's worth the only show in which I've been to where someone actually attacked someone I know and intended to hurt them and nobody helped and literally everyone just watched as this big dude just beat her up was at a reggae show. No, nothing I could do, I was very young and tiny and weak and terrified and all I could do was yell at older, able bodied men around to help and they just stared ahead like nothing was happening, the fucking cunts friends had to pull him off my friend and nothing even happened to him. I've literally never been to a metal, punk, or hardcore show where someone deliberately attacked me or someone I know with malicious intent while nobody helped. People at metal/punk shows protect you for the most part, they break up fights, kick out drunk giant guys hurting small people, and pick you up immediately as you fall. I've had experiences where I started to fall from being pushed, but never hit the ground as like 6 people were already helping me back up, was crazy I felt a push, saw the ceiling and expected the concrete but instead floated back to on my feet with people patting my back and asking if I was okay. I feel much, much more safe at any metal show then any other kind of show I've been to, any other type of show I'd be afraid of being attacked or yelled at for accidentally bumping into someone. Felt like I had to watch my back more at a damn modest mouse show than a cannibal corpse show, kinda funny tbh.

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