What is your childhood memory that you thought was normal but realized it was traumatic later in your life?

A lot of these make me so sad to read. Thank you to everyone sharing their stories. I always thought my life was normal until I started talking to my friends and strangers.

I remember my parents fighting all the time. I remember when my mom called the police in my dad and they took him to jail for a week or day. I don't remember. But I was my happiest when he picked up from school after being released.

One time they fought at one of my sister's birthdays. Everyone ended up going home before cake. My parents ended throwing the cake and other things at eachother. And while that was happening. My two older sisters and I cried under our desk waiting for it to be over and as my grandma tried to calm everyone down.

I remember my mom cutting her wrist right in front of me as I watched her. I didn't understand till I got older. She's done different attempted suicide untill I graduated high school.

I remember talking to a older man from Australia on MSN when I no more than 9 years old. He was around 25. I would talk about him to family and no one raised any concern.

I love my parents so much. But I now understand where most of my mental conflict comes from. But it's still weird to me to this day, that my sisters get different treatment. 90% of these suicide attempts were in front of me. I've experienced so much of my mom's episodes where my sister have no idea the real extent. Or they shrug it off if anything is mentioned.

/r/AskReddit Thread