what is your crazy drug story? or whats the story of your first time using a certain drug?

Back when I was in college I lost my job and I was having a terrible time finding a new one that could fit my schedule and cover my expenses. My dealer offered to pay me to do deliveries for him. It decided to try it out and was great since almost all the customers were other college kids or people that lived nearby so I wasn't like on the street corner slinging or anything. Every once in awhile someone would be light on cash and if they were a regular we'd even up the next time. There was one couple that would buy some meth every Saturday. Sometimes they'd be light but the next time they'd always pay in full plus a little extra so I was cool them. Well I floated them twice one time and the third time I go back they want to float that too. I told them that wasn't going to happen and they wouldn't be getting anything new until they paid off the debt. When it was clear I wasn't going to cave in for them the lady made me an offer that if I let them float again I could stay at their place with their kids while they went out to get high and they "wouldn't ask any questions about what I did with them." That was craziest most fucked up drug story I've experienced.

/r/AskReddit Thread