What is your crochet unpopular opinion?

Woah, there are meaner people in the world so it's okay! Nice reasoning there.

I guess if everyone else is doing it we can insult people and be unkind right too.

So you're telling me it's okay to say "crochet wearables are ugly", or "I hate the look of," or "people choose such ugly colors, " blah blah blah" when you know damn well people who they're referring to are reading? This is just a few examples, why don't you read through the posts before commenting to me? Seriously if you think these aren't nasty posts, then that's on you and go ahead and be proud to be part of the mean girl group so you feel you fit in. I'll revel in my down votes for sticking up for what I think is right all day long before joining in and being hurtful to people who are posting their projects with others snickering over them.

I really doubt most of these comments would be said to anyone's face or when not using aliases.

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