What was your 'I don't get paid enough for this' moment at work?

Actually happened really recently.

A coworker of mine was in charge of international operations for this project we’re on. I was in charge of domestic operations, but could effectively run both groups, it’d just spread me a little thin.

Coworker spent seven months doing nothing. I’m not speaking in hyperbole; he did nothing. Didn’t show up to the office of his group, didn’t show up to our office, nothing. He couldn’t even tell you what the issues were for his group; he had to have people do presentations on his behalf.

His group floundered. They’d come to me and my reports asking for help that he should have been providing. We helped, until I had my hand slapped multiple times for “swimming out of my lane.” The explanation was “they’re not your group, run your group.”

Lazy coworker got promoted out to a non-project job, with larger responsibilities and greater scope.

I got all of his group, plus the added benefit of the problems he’d caused, the drama he had stirred up against me, and increased visibility because the group he was in charge of had drawn intense, negative scrutiny by the rest of our operations teams.

No pay bump. No additional resources. Just the “good feeling” of being the one to fix the problems, clean up the mess, and to truck on... while doing my job and his.

/r/AskReddit Thread