What is your 'I don't get paid enough for this shit' story?

working construction with a new guy on a rennovation, just the two of us working full time on it (since the client gave us permission to live there during the renovation), but other contractors and the boss coming and going on a regular basis. Im pretty easy going, fairly flexible about not stepping on other peoples toes, but this guy was fucking nuts. he threw away almost all of my food because it wasnt organic, although his official explanation was "i thought it was all old" (bullshit, it had expiration dates on it), would freak out about me being too noisey at night even though the only noise i was making was foot steps during the one 20 foot round trip i made to the bathroom and back, and generally was just TERRIBLE about dishes (one pan which he later stole took me 3 days of soaking and scrubbing with copper scour pads to get the burned potato's off of).

on top of the living situation putting me on edge, this guy was the single worst carpenter ive ever had to work with. constantly shifting blame to make anything that went wrong at all seem like it was my fault (even if it was blatantly obvious the issues were from the original build), fucking shit up on his own (he broke a bunch of equipment doing stupid shit but still complained every day about the single shop vac filter that got ruined), and being the worst person to take any kind of direction from ever. by worst i mean this guy would point behind him, and say something like "go grab that ummm......" and then never finish his sentence, and then bug out when youre still standing there 3 seconds later waiting to find out what the hell it is he eventually wants.

To cap it all off this was his first time working with any of us (i had been with the company for about 3 years already) and he would CONSTANTLY talk shit about the job, me, my boss, the client, how he could be so many other places doing other things he'd like better, blah blah blah. it eventually came to light that this guy is some kind of combination of dissociative personality and skitzoaffective bipolar disorders...

i finally snapped one day when during what was supposed to be a small solo project this guy butted into my work, attempted to tell me how to do my own job, fucked everything up in the process, tried to blame me for it, and suggested that i look for a new job. i didnt say shit to him, i just walked out of the house with my wallet, phone, keys, and clothes on my back. went to a friends house until i could get a hold of the boss and let him know i wouldnt be returning to that house as long as the other guy was still working there. boss went to work with the other guy himself for about half a week and told the guy to take a hike, called me immediately after saying "i see what you mean"....

/r/AskReddit Thread