What is your dream Paradox game?

Stellaris 2.1.3 but without the FTL rework. Basically, the game as it was before MegaCorp with wormholes and warp as it was in 1.9.

I always loved sci-fi and space strategy games. When Stellaris launched, I felt I had found my dream game just because it didn't featured the standard hyperlane FTL travel that is common in these games (Endless Space, Master of Orion, Galactic Civilizations, etc.) and it had a modified version of the excellent pop-system from Vicky 2. 2.0 robbed me of that and turned an otherwise great game into a mundane, more-of-the-same pile of dogshit.

I've since deleted the game from my account out of spite.

/r/paradoxplaza Thread