What your ex did that ruined your relationship?

Oh boy.

  • Read my diary without my permission and demanded I destroy any pages referring to my exes
  • Tore my phone out of my hands and threw it across the room in anger
  • Screamed at me that I was a fucking bitch
  • Slept with people while we were broken up (it was an on and off relationship) but told me he'd never speak to me again if I did anything of the sort
  • Demanded I cut contact with male friends
  • Acted like a petulant child anytime he didn't get his way and would give me the silent treatment until I came around

I'm surprised I put up with his shit as long as I did. Objectively, I knew it was bad. So bad that I didn't even tell my friends, because I knew they'd talk sense into me and I didn't want to hear it because I was so blinded by ~feelings~ I'm so glad I eventually gained the strength to leave him. My fear of being open in relationships persists to this day because of his shitty, toxic behavior. I'd try to be open with him and it would always result in a horrible fight/ultimatum/verbal or emotional abuse. Fuck that.

/r/AskReddit Thread