What is your favorite part of one song you listen to?

ugh quite a vague question...
well if I take my favorite french singer, J. Bertin,

Jacques Bertin - Menace (Threat):
at 6:17
"Terror I want, terror I want to spread
like a contribution of blood in the tired body
Holy wars everywhere, you had been entrusted with weapons
What have you done of them? Remember, what have you done of them?

Say, what have you done with the word that its a glowing ember?
You take it fully in your hand. You carry the fire.
In the exhausted lands, in the bad wounds,
In the bad sleeps or on the eyes of the people you want to love."

In "Un jour, on meurt" (one day we die) at 2:49
"I know there is nothing to see
The mad woman bursted my eyes
But I have the most beautiful eyes in the world
And all of you are evading my gaze"

In "Je Débarquais" (I disembarked/I was coming from)

"I fought well against the icy night... " then ...
"But here we are tonight, silent, face to face
Here I'm in front of you, far from you, tired
How dry our eyes are, our lips without kisses
Lovers we are, parted"

and all the beginning of that song : "Je suis celui qui court" (I am the one who runs)

"I am the one who run beside you when you glide in the grass
You feel him but do not see him, you flee, you hear him breathe
And the trees' branches are the ears of the days
when water covers you with kisses
When you come in the earth, damp and hot, your tenderness
I'm the one who come with his hand to dry you
and you lower your head, his shoulder is a basket

I'm the one who knows you when you flee to the end of the world
And you always come back to his home, he doesn't know you're there
And you're behind the cupboard, you see him, you're in the shadow
And he breathes heavily he doesn't know you're there.
Now, do you know if he's here when you're hiding and watch out for him"

/r/AskReddit Thread